Creators note*

How can we co-create Communication in short cycles, which allow us to collaborate, deliver, reflect and improve permanently? What distinguishes the best teams from the rest? How do we achieve high performance teams, genuinely committed to their work? What do the best leaders have in common? What frameworks, practices and mentalities are most appropriate in the Age of Knowledge? What role should Communication at work play in the Digital and Cultural Transformation of companies? What can Communicators and Agilists learn from (and with) each other?For more than a decade we have been working, writing, thinking and exchanging ideas about Communication at work, guided by such questions.

The idea of ​​an Agile Organizational Communication began to take shape there by 2015, on a tourism trip we made to Europe. It was just there, so far from home and from every day routine that we began to visualize that something new could arise from the organic union between Communication and Agility. From then on, little by little we understood that one can no longer be complete or effective without the other. Agility without good communication, without a clear sense, without values ​​or purpose, does not reach anywhere. On the other hand, in a world in permanent transformation, Communication can no longer survive as an aggregate that can be practiced without a collaborative framework, which allows it to permanently adapt iteratively and incrementally.

Today, after sharing our draft ideas with many colleagues, we come to the elaboration of the Agile Organizational Communication Manifesto. And we do it with the full awareness that we are facing something that, although it is not completely new, it can be novel and useful, both for those agilists who believe they do not know much about Communication, like those communicators who have not yet had the opportunity to immerse themselves in the Agile world.

We’ve chosen to use the terms “Organizational Communication” in order to include all branches of Internal and External Communication within a broad concept. In this sense, all Internal and People Communications as well as External, Corporate Affairs, Institutional and Public Relations, fit perfectly under the umbrella of Agile Organizational Communication. And if not, we still have the feedback you can send us to continue building the New Communication, together.

Mara Villamor y Lucas López Dávalos
Santiago de Chile, October 2019

Learn more: What can communicators learn from Agility?
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